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Nimrod Rahamimov

Dr. Nimrod Rahamimov is a leading specialist in spinal cord surgery. His department operates on herniated disks, curvature of the spine, fractures and other spinal cord injuries.


  • Spine Surgery;

Education and training

  • Medical Faculty of the University of Jerusalem, Israel;
  • Internship in the field of Orthopedics at Hadassah Medical Center, Israel.

Dr. Nimrod Rahamimov treats diseases of the spine with modern surgical techniques. He performs the following operations:

  • discectomy and microdiscectomy (removal of vertebral hernia);
  • fixation of the vertebrae;
  • laminectomy (removal of the vertebral arch);
  • kyphoplasty (treatment of vertebral fracture);
  • Spinal Fusion surgery (curvature of the spine treatment more than 60%).

Department of Spine Surgery of Dr. Nimrod Rahamimov

In the MP Western Galilee spine surgery department, that is headed by Dr. Nimrod Rahamimovym, are conducted a wide range of diagnostic and therapeutic procedures in congenital and acquired diseases of the spine. Branch is equipped with modern medical equipment and allows complex microsurgical and open spinal surgery, using the most modern, innovative treatment methods that are highly effective. The department carries out the following operations on the spine:

  • removal of the spine and spinal cord tumors;
  • surgical treatment of scoliosis in adults and children;
  • kyphoplasty, vertebroplasty;
  • surgical treatment of degenerative disc disease;
  • intervertebral disc transplantation, discectomy, microdiskectomy;
  • hood of the intervertebral disc;
  • korpektomiya;
  • Percutaneous disc nucleoplasty;
  • percutaneous laser diskoplastic.

In the department there is a rehabilitation unit, where, after a complicated operation on the spine patients undergo a course of rehabilitation.

departments: All, Neurosurgery, Orthopedics
positions: Ведущий спинальный хирург Израиля
treatments: Neurosurgery, Orthopedics