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Marcos Harel

Dr. Marcos Harel is a plastic and cosmetic surgeon certified by the Israeli Ministry of Health.

He did his specialization in the Department of plastic surgery of the Hadassa University Hospital at Jerusalem.

Dr. Marcos Harel is an active member of the Israeli Society for Plastic Surgeons as well as several international institutions like ISAPS (International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery).

Dr. Harel is totally devoted to the practice of cosmetic surgery in which nose surgery (Rhinoplasty) is one of his main operations. He has a large experience in this topic and has performed thousands Rhinoplasty.

Dr. Harel has presented numerous works in national as well as International professional meetings. Dr. Harel performs his operations at Assuta Hospital and Nara Medical Center both high level private medical institutions. His clinic is located at Ramat Aviv, Tel Aviv.

Field of activity

  • Plastic and cosmetic surgery;
  • Rinopastika;
  • Correction of congenital defects of the face (chiloplasty et al.);
  • Breast Implants;
  • Liposuction
  • Plastic facial treatments.

Education and training

School of Medicine at the National University of Cordoba (Argentina);

Specialization in plastic surgery at Hadassah University Hospital;

Internships for rhinoplasty in the US;

Training for Cosmetic Surgery (France).



  • Pediatric hemangioma
  • defect cleft palate
  • Liposuction
  • Facelift
  • Rhinoplasty
departments: All, Plastic surgery
positions: Ведущий пластический хирург Израиля
treatments: Plastic surgery