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Eliyahu Gez

Dr. Eliyahu Gez – Head of the Department of Radiotherapy of the largest medical center in the Middle East – the Rambam, the leading Israeli radiotherapist oncologist, a specialist with a worldwide reputation in the field of clinical oncology and radiotherapy.

Dr. Eliyahu Gez is a leading expert in urologic oncology at the external irradiation of tumors, having 25 years of experience.

Dr. Eliyahu Gez is a current member of the Israeli and international professional organizations, the European Society for Radiotherapy and Oncology, the EORTC, a lecturer at the medical faculty of the Technion University.


  • Clinical oncology
  • Radiotherapy
  • Urologic oncology

Education and training

  • Faculty of Medicine of the Hebrew University in Jerusalem.
  • Internship at the Institute of Oncology named Curie in Paris (France).

Research and practical activities

Radiotherapy, urologic oncology  the main field of activities of Dr. Eliyahu Geza. When treating prostate cancer radiotherapy has a high efficiency. In these cases, he applies the most modern radiotherapy techniques, such as IMRT (intensity modulated radiation therapy) and brachytherapy with the introduction of micro sources of radiation directly into the prostate tissue.

After complete or partial resection of the cancer, radiation therapy is used in complex treatment in order to prevent a possible recurrence and destruction of residual tumor.

Dr. Eliyahu Gez is a professor of the medical faculty of the Technion University.


  • Israeli oncologists and radiotherapists assotsiiatsiya
  • European Society for Radiotherapy and Oncology, EORTC
  • The international community oncologists – radiotherapists


  • prostate tumors
  • Radiotherapy
  • Bladder Cancer
  • kidney Cancer
  • Prostate cancer
  • testicular cancer
departments: All, Oncology, Urology
positions: радиотерапия и лечение заболеваний уроонкологии
treatments: Oncology, Urology